Saturday, 7 May 2011

Reflections on module 3 and impact on own practice

In this task I am going to reflect on the module 3 of the Post-Compulsory PGCE and I am going to evaluate the impact it has had on my teaching practice.

In this module we have looked at two important elements of teaching and learning: the first one is the understanding of how technology impacts on teaching and learning opportunities. The second one is related to the knowledge, understanding and skills to design an inclusive, subject specific learning programme.

In this module, we have had an asynchronous chat with our peers about the use of technology within teaching and learning and then we have written a critique reflecting about it. Reading some reports about the topic, sharing them with my peers and reflecting about it has helped me to be aware of the importance of the use of technology in teaching and learning.  The use of technology has its advantages but also drawbacks that we need to take into account.

Before starting this module the only technology I was using in the classroom was PowerPoint and IWB. The impact on my teaching practice is that I am trying to incorporate new technologies to my lessons, such as mobile phones, subject-specific web pages and IWB more extensively. I will try to incorporate other technology to my lessons and reflect on the effect in teaching and learning.

During the module 3 of the Post-Compulsory PGCE we have had some sessions about Curriculum Models and Inclusive Education. We have written an assignment where we had to write a course description and a scheme of work for a short course. We have justified the short course in the rationale informed by inclusive education. The sessions gave us an introduction to the curriculum models and by completing the assignment I can say that I now have a much better understanding about the curriculum models in the UK.

This understanding and awareness has not had a direct impact on my teaching for now. In my placement college, the product (objectives) model is the one that is in use (as the most part of the UK). After studying the different models, I believe that the process model is the more suitable for subjects such as Maths and especially Physics. However, with the constraints that as teachers we have within the system, it is difficult to try and apply this model in the lessons.

The fact that I have now a better understanding about the curriculum models and the best way to teach in this case Maths or Physics, allows me to try and apply it whenever it ispossible.

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